Caner Zanbak and Randolph C Arthur Geochemical and engineering aspects of anhydrite/gypsum phase transitions Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists November 1986 23 4 419 433
5 ·Commercial deposits of gypsum may be almost pure or contain variable amounts of impurities such as limestone dolomite clay anhydrite and soluble salts of potassium sodium and magnesium Primary gypsum deposits consist of rock gypsum alabaster Selenite satin spar and gypsite are secondary varieties of gypsum
·change due to hydration of anhydrite is % whereas the dehydration of gypsum results in a % volume change Zanbak & Arthur 1986 3 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Microstructure The microstructural features developed during the hydration of the gypsum crystals are widely recognised to be a critical factor
We report here that in the supratidal zone of the Al Khiran sabkha diagenetic anhydrite occurs exclusively in association with the living halophyte Halocnemum strobilaceum Pallas M B This anhydrite has a hair cream like consistency and the bulk of it has formed as pseudomorphs after gypsum crystals On the death of the plant at the end of its life cycle the anhydrite is hydrated
Claystones containing finely distributed anhydrite swell due to water uptake Experience shows that the swelling may cause considerable damage and lead to high repair costs During tunnel excavation a change in the field conditions occurs causing the dissolution of anhydrite into its ions and the subsequent precipitation of gypsum crystals The formation of the latter is
·BNBM has announced two overseas gypsum wallboard plants since the start of 2022 In Early January 2022 the China based producer said it was going to build a 40Mm 2 /yr plant in Thailand as part of a joint venture with Sinoma International Engineering and its subsidiary Sinoma Thailand Notably the unit is also to be equipped with a decorative gypsum
·their geological occurrence in fact they build up with carbonate phases the evaporitic sequences worldwide and formation from gypsum to bassanite to anhydrite represents steps of a progressive dehydration process Chang et al 1996; Putnis et al 1990; Ballirano and Melis 2009 Other
·4 Before proceeding with the proof of Eq 2 1 we establish notation and then relate Eq 2 1 to the nucleation and growth Let Ve denote the volume of anhydrite after complete dehydration and the volume at time t is α t Ve=Vn t Vg t where Vn t is the nuclei volume accumulated up to time t and Vg t is the volume obtained due to the growth of these
An artificial alternative is anhydrite which is often formed as a by product in thermal power plants in the production of citric acid or as a result of gypsum conversion due to dehydration This material does not contain water so it is harder and easier to crush We offer natural anhydrite and gypsum to customers in a mono fraction of 0/
·Recently Viewed Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies of the Oxidation Mechanism of the Herbicide Propanil
·The phase transformation of anhydrite to gypsum and hemihydrate can be identified with Bruker s X ray Diffraction D8 Discover instrument with Cu K radiation in the 10° to 60° range at a scanning rate of 1°/min and a scan rate of s/step The sample s powder was crushed with a mortar and pastel and sieve through 45 µm and compacted
LONDON Dec 19 2016 /PRNewswire/ This report analyzes the worldwide markets for Gypsum and Anhydrite in Thousand Metric Tons by the following End Use Segments Prefabricated Products
·Canada USG subsidiary CGC plans to build a US$160m gypsum wallboard plant in Wheatland County near Calgary in Alberta The Government of Alberta and Invest Alberta Corporation will support the project with around US$3m from the Investment and Growth Fund It is also set to benefit from local tax benefits
·Gypsum waste is composed by dihydrate CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O and some impurities depending on the gypsum waste source The recycled gypsum plaster is obtained by a simple process of crushing sieving and heating at relatively low temperatures [9] The dehydration of the hydrated gypsum plaster gypsum waste is in temperature up to 180 °C
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "The gypsum anhydrite equilibrium by solubility measurements" by G Innorta et al Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering 2023; Anhydrite and gypsum are omnipresent in sedimentary rocks of all types They occur as massive layers or are distributed within other geological formations as in clays
·Gypsum anhydrite is a relevant mineral system of high interest for many areas of science and industry such as geology [18][19] [20] engineering materials for construction 21 22 heritage
Anhydritic claystones consist of a clay matrix with finely distributed anhydrite Their swelling has led to severe damage and high repair costs in several tunnels Gypsum growth combined with water uptake by the clay minerals is the main cause of the swelling process Identifying the conditions under which gypsum rather than anhydrite represents the stable phase is crucial for
·We conclude from our results that the FFNN BR model can be used to determine the solubility of anhydrite and gypsum needed to address typical subsurface engineering problems such as swelling of clay sulfate rocks Neural network models have been developed to determine solubility of anhydrite and gypsum in multi component electrolyte
·On the other hand gypsum is moderately water soluble and anhydrite its associated anhydrous mineral changes volume and swells when exposed to water Yılmaz 2001 Strength loss due to dissolution along with swelling due to wetting should be considered in the strength limit and service limit designs of soils treated with gypsum/anhydrite as well as
·Anhydrite CaSO 4 and gypsum CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O are the two most abundant minerals of ancient marine evaporite deposits and are also common in non marine evaporite deposits Sedimentary gypsum forms by direct precipitation out of evaporating seawater under arid climatic conditions in hydrologically restricted marine and marginal marine environments
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